Info for Farmland Seekers

We help farmers connect with farmland owners about opportunities to access land, whether you’re looking for your first farm or land to expand your operation.

A wheat field

Ready to find Farmland?

Register to start contacting farmland owners and to create a profile on the Find a Farmer directory.

In order to gain full access to our services, please register below. Note that by registering for Maine FarmLink you will automatically receive program news and information via email, and can opt-out at any time. Questions? Contact

Farm Seeker FAQ

What should I think about before I start looking for farmland?

If you're a beginning farmer looking for your first farm, we recommend checking out these resources to help you think through all of the considerations:
Searching for, Accessing and Acquiring Farmland- resources from the Maine Farmer Resource Network
How to Find, Access, and Secure Farmland - a guide from Land For Good
Toolbox for Farm Seekers - a library of resources from Land For Good

Should I lease or own?

There are many ways to access farmland, through leasing, purchasing, or other tenure arrangements. This chart outlines many of the options and the various components that you should weigh to determine what makes sense for you and your farm business. If you think leasing might be the best way forward, Land For Good has a great Toolbox for Leasing Farmland.

How can I figure out what I can afford?

If you're hoping to buy land, the Finding Farmland Calculator from National Young Farmers Coalition is a helpful tool to use before meeting with your bank. It's a unique mortgage calculator designed to teach farmers about their financing options and creditworthiness when buying farmland. Build one or more purchase scenarios, then compare the total costs, monthly payments, and your scores on several financial ratios. Download the results to have on hand when meeting with a loan officer.

Looking for farmland but not sure how to start?

We can help you think through the process and find resources. Fill out the contact form below to get in touch.

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